Steffi & Jake
On a cool October morning I received a slightly panicked phone call . The call was from Matt, the father of a bride getting married at Tunnels Beach that day! Their own photographer had been hit with covid. I should’ve been in Spain with the family but C19 had also reared it ugly head and we’d had to cancel. “We’re at Tunnels Beach in Ilfracombe and in need of a wedding photographer” No problem I said, I’ll be there in an hour.
An hour later I was at Tunnels ready to start shooting, there was just one little issue. The earlier call had been so short and frantic that Matt hadn’t even told me the couples names! A bridesmaid appeared “the couples names? I enquired, Steffi & Jake, right, let’s do this.
It was brilliant how friendly everyone was at Tunnels Beaches once I got there. The couple both work in showbiz and their friends and family were very welcoming.
Zero Expectations
The great thing about this day was I had zero expectations. I know the venue of course having photographed a good number of weddings but didn’t know the couple at all. When its like this you just get on with it and don’t look for particular things couples have mentioned or told you about. This day had lots of elements that were so much fun to shoot.
During the indoor ceremony they had a band playing and instead of hymns they sung Beatles tracks and a few other favourites. After speeches, Steffi sang and played guitar, until that was, the fire alarm went off and halted proceedings. Jake having to face the wall to do his personal vows so he didn’t break down. The couple clambering over rocks, I wasn’t going to stop them, and so on. Loads of great moments made this such a brilliant wedding day.
It was so fun to watch how Stephi & Jake’s love for each other made every one of their guests feel welcome and comfortable. We were blessed with an absolutely perfect day and I had so much fun photographing this wonderful pair and the October weather was kind for their beach wedding.
The Brilliant Suppliers
Days like this wouldn’t be possible without a team of dedicated and talented suppliers.
I loved returning to Tunnels Beaches and it was a pleasure to work alongside these wedding suppliers. An especially large thanks to Rachel of Isabelle Grace for mentioning my name to the happy couple in their hour of need.